

A Christian Response to the Last Days

in the last days

The last days I really enjoy reading the news. Maybe more so than I should, but with all that’s happening now, it’s getting harder to resist the binge. I mean, our government is pursuing everyday parents and Catholics as potential…

A Message from the Middle East: Israel in Crisis

protests in israel

The following are portions of an email I received from Pastor Amir Tsarfati. Amir is a Biblical Christian from Israel who is a bestselling author, Bible teacher, conference speaker, and Founder of Behold Israel. The Bible predicts, “in the last…

A Guide to Making Sense of Current Events

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In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul boldly claims in verses 16-17, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…for in it the righteousness of God is revealed…

Marriage and Divorce in a Biblical Nutshell

biblical marriage and divorce

The Bible is relatively concise for something as seemingly complex as marriage and divorce. As such, the following verses give a distinct and straightforward synopsis of the essential Biblical guidelines for the institution of marriage. Original Design of Marriage Even…