

Who are the Saints?


From the Patron Saint of Animal rights activists – Saint Francis of Assisi; to Arms Dealers – Saint John the Evangelist; to Zoologists – Saint Albertus Magnus, there may be a saint for almost any need. Wikipedia even publishes a…

Peter’s Rock

peters rock

The Bible is explicit – Satan is a murderer and a liar. In John 8:44, Christ warns the Pharisees, “You are of your father the devil…He was a murderer from the beginning…[and]…he is a liar and the father of lies.”…

Street Photography – Determination

street photography2 year-old at waterpark

Personalities form at a very young age. Here, a relentless determination is already front and center. This is one determined little boy. Just click on any image for proof.

Some Financial Thoughts

wall street sign near stock exchange new york

Post-incident reflections Age adds a particular perspective to such issues as financial recommendations. It’s interesting to reflect on what I thought I knew, having been a CPA and CFP with graduate degrees, but nothing is quite like going through the…

Best Bible Study Tools

bible study tools

There are several tools and resources that I use for my bible study that may be of help to you. is reader-supported. We may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through links on our site. Thank you. Marking…